Lean Legs 10
Lower Body
Level: build • hustle
Equipment: None
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: A quickie lower body sequence of leg lifts and bridges to target outer and inner thigh sculpting and toning.. If you're feeling like an extra challenge, add PBB Weights to your ankles!
**Please note that this is a recorded live class.**
Up Next in Lower Body
Lean Legs 9
Level: build • hustle
Equipment: None
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: A quickie lower body sequence of leg lifts, hinges and kneeling squats to tone your legs. If you're feeling like an extra challenge, add PBB Weights to your ankles!**Please note that this is a recorded live class.**
Lean Legs 8
Level: build • hustle
Equipment: None
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: Strengthen and tone your glutes and thighs with a side kneeling series chased with prone leg lifts and swimmers. If you're feeling like an extra challenge, add PBB Weights to your ankles!**Please note that this is a r...
Lower Body Burn 10
Level: hustle
Equipment: PBB Band (optional)
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: A standing lower body workout of squat and lunge variations. Add a PBB Band of your choice (light, medium or strong) to intensify the burn.