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Post-Run Core and Stretch 2

Core • 21m

Up Next in Core

  • Core Strength

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbell (optional)
    Workout: Connect to your deep core muscles in this strong workout that uses 1 x light to medium dumbbell. You will work through a standing superset x3, then an abs on back triset x3, to activate your tran...

  • Quick Arms and Abs 2

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: Lightly work your arms and shoulders while activating your core. Move from a four-point kneeling series, to half roll backs, to abs and arms on your back. Add PBB Weights for an additional challenge in your cor...

  • Standing Abs

    Level: build
    Equipment: None
    Workout: Strengthen your core and lengthen your entire body from a standing position.