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Pilates Strength Challenge

Energising Wake Up Stretch 2


Up Next in Week 2

  • Upper Body Strength

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells (optional)
    Workout: Work your upper body in this strength workout using a set of light to medium dumbbells (2.5 to 7.5kg). The format of this workout is 3 x supersets to work your arm and shoulder strength, stabili...

  • Abs and Buns

    Level: build • hustle
    Equipment: PBB Bands (optional)
    Workout: Develop a deep burn through your glutes and abs using an optional PBB Band to increase the challenge.

  • Full Body Stretch 3

    **Please note that this is a recorded live class.**
    Level: gentle
    Equipment: None
    Workout: Pop some mellow beats on, wind down and clear your head. Flow through a sequence of deep stretches to help release and mobilise. Trust me, you need this.