Pilates Strength Challenge

Pilates Strength Challenge

4 Seasons

Combining Pilates principles with strength training, the focus of this 4-week challenge is on building lean muscle while preserving the flow and precision of Pilates. Think PILATES with a little extra POWER.

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Pilates Strength Challenge
  • Week 1 Plan

    89.9 KB

  • Strong Full Body Flow

    Episode 1

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells (optional)
    Playlist: http://bit.ly/3DKLlFF
    Workout: Combining Pilates with strength training, follow a classic PBB full body flow format with the addition of light to medium dumbbells to enhance muscle activation and growth. The goal of this work...

  • Tuesday

    131 KB

  • Abs and Arms

    Episode 2

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
    Workout: Activate your arms and shoulders while working to strengthen your core through all angles.

  • Lower Body Strength

    Episode 3

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells (optional)
    Playlist: http://bit.ly/3DKLlFF
    Workout: Work your lower body in this strength workout using a set of light to medium dumbbells (I am using 5kg for reference). The format of this workout is a triset – 3 exercises back-to-back, 3 sets t...

  • Friday
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    131 KB

  • Feel-Good Full Body Pilates 2

    Episode 4

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
    Workout: This is a feel-good full body workout that uses contemporary Pilates principles to strengthen, sculpt and stretch your entire body from top to toe.

  • Swift Stretch 2

    Episode 5

    Level: gentle
    Equipment: PBB Bands (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/jdxy84
    Workout: Flow through a sequence of stretches to help release and mobilise your inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and more. Trust me, you need this.