Level: gentle
Equipment: None
Playlist: https://rb.gy/jdxy84
Workout: This class is all about letting go of pent-up stress, releasing emotional and physical tightness throughout your mind and body. Find a calm and relaxed environment to enjoy this stress-relieving stretch.
Up Next in I'm Race-Ready
Mellow Core
Level: build
Equipment: None
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: This is a mellow core class in that it is all exercises taken from your back, but it will still give yours abs a good burn! Focus on your spinal position and technique to get the most out of each exercise. -
Swift Abs with Band
Level: build • hustle
Equipment: PBB Band (optional)
Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
Workout: Work your entire core to strengthen your abs, tone your waist, and feel flexi and free in your lower back. Add a PBB Band for extra resistance and challenge.