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Lying Down Legs 2

Newest Classes • 18m

Up Next in Newest Classes

  • Post-Run Core and Stretch 2

    Level: gentle • build
    Equipment: None
    Workout: This class is 50% stretch and 50% core, which is the ideal post-run combo to feel stretched and strong. It will complement your running program perfectly to condition your body and keep pain/injury at bay.

  • Standing Leg and Arm Workout 3

    Level: build • hustle
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: A standing workout to strengthen and sculpt through your lower and upper body with a sequence of dynamic combination exercises.

  • Pilates Foundations 4

    Level: gentle • build
    Equipment: None
    Workout: For any Pilates newbies, as well as those looking for a more gentle workout. Move slowly and consciously, connect your mind and breath to body, learn and master the basics of Pilates-based movement.