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Top to Toe Tone 3

Weights • 33m

Up Next in Weights

  • Strong Core and Lower Body 3

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: Work your core strength and stability alongside your lower body in planks, hovers, frog crunches, forearm clams, clams, and four-point kneeling. Add PBB Weights to your ankles to deepen the burn and maximise th...

  • Total Body Burn 2

    Level: build • hustle
    Equipment: PBB Weights x2 (optional)
    Workout: Level up your full body workout by adding PBB Weights to both your ankles and wrists. If you don't have access to 2 x sets of weights, you can take your pick between a lower or upper body chall...

  • Standing Leg and Arm Workout 3

    Level: build • hustle
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: A standing workout to strengthen and sculpt through your lower and upper body with a sequence of dynamic combination exercises.