Pilates Strength Challenge • 6 Jan

Pilates Strength Challenge • 6 Jan

Jumpstart your January with the Pilates Strength Challenge! This is a fresh 4-week program that combines Pilates principles with strength training. The focus is on building lean muscle while preserving the flow and precision of Pilates. Think PILATES with a little extra POWER.

Each week, you’ll experience 2 x new Pilates/Strength fusion classes that blend the best of both worlds – contemporary Pilates movements focused on alignment and control, enhanced with additional weight to increase muscle activation and growth. These new classes will help you achieve your strongest, most balanced body.

To get the most out of this challenge, you will need a light to medium set of dumbbells.

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Pilates Strength Challenge • 6 Jan
  • Week 1 Plan

    89.9 KB

  • Strong Full Body Flow

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells (optional)
    Playlist: http://bit.ly/3DKLlFF
    Workout: Combining Pilates with strength training, follow a classic PBB full body flow format with the addition of light to medium dumbbells to enhance muscle activation and growth. The goal of this work...

  • Tuesday

    131 KB

  • Abs and Arms

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
    Workout: Activate your arms and shoulders while working to strengthen your core through all angles.

  • Lower Body Strength

    Level: hustle
    Equipment: Light to medium dumbbells (optional)
    Playlist: http://bit.ly/3DKLlFF
    Workout: Work your lower body in this strength workout using a set of light to medium dumbbells (I am using 5kg for reference). The format of this workout is a triset – 3 exercises back-to-back, 3 sets t...

  • Friday
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    131 KB

  • Feel-Good Full Body Pilates 2

    Level: build
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/24okhe
    Workout: This is a feel-good full body workout that uses contemporary Pilates principles to strengthen, sculpt and stretch your entire body from top to toe.

  • Swift Stretch 2

    Level: gentle
    Equipment: PBB Bands (optional)
    Playlist: https://rb.gy/jdxy84
    Workout: Flow through a sequence of stretches to help release and mobilise your inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and more. Trust me, you need this.