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Active Stretch 2

I'm 60+ and Strong • 17m

Up Next in I'm 60+ and Strong

  • Toned Arms 2

    Level: build • hustle
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: From a kneeling or standing position, move through a full set of arm and shoulder exercises. Grab onto a set of wrist/hand weights, don't stop moving and feel the burn.

  • Connect Your Core

    Level: gentle
    Equipment: None
    Workout: Learn how to connect your deep core muscles as you move through different spinal positions and angles. You will lightly activate and work your transverse abs, rectus abs, obliques and lower back through supine position, four-po...

  • Pilates Foundations 3

    Level: gentle
    Equipment: PBB Weights (optional)
    Workout: For any Pilates newbies, as well as those looking for a more gentle workout. Move slowly and consciously, connect your mind and breath to body, learn and master the basics of Pilates-based movement.